FPV Racing Drones


What is FPV?

FPV, meaning First person view, is a relatively new field of drones that emerged from HOBBYISTS and enthusiasts mounting micro cctv cameras to their home-built drones and strapping on ski-masks to their faces with some FRESNEL lens in between.

IT is the art of flying a drone from the perspective of sitting in the drone.
A small camera is mounted in the front of the drone and transmits a low LATENCY feed to the pilot who is wearing a headset and flying as if he was sitting in the drone.

What started as a small group of INDIVIDUALS paving the way forward has quickly progressed into a flowering industry of pilots and racers. There is even an entire racing league dedicated to racing drones called the drone racing league (drl)

In the filming world FPV has become the new hype for many content producers and social media marketers. Social media is filled with amazing and seemingly impossible shots done by racing drones. Their size, speed, durability and VERSATILITY make them truly one of the greatest tools in the creativity toolbox.

Skyhook has worked with one of the best fpv pilots in the world (johnny_fpv) on a shoot and now has a growing team of young pilots with many years of fpv EXPERIENCE. fpv is such a NICHE market that only someone who does it for fun can do it for an occupation as well. Things are constantly improving and here at skyhook we pride ourselves in being at the head of the pack.


7” heavy lifter


The first of it’s kind in South Africa, this 7 inch octocopter was designed in america to carry DSLR cameras.

RED Komodo

FreeFly Wave

Sony FX6


6'“ Racing Drone

This drone is fast, efficient and smooth. It carries a gopro at high speeds to capture dynamic and engaging footage.

The 6” drone is more efficient and a better use case for extended flight times.



5'“ Racing Drone

The 5 inch racing drone is the gold standard when it comes to BALANCING speed and cinematic footage.

These drones are extremely fast and capable of tracking anything from drift cars to snowboarders to get the most mind-bending footage possible.



Known as the toothpick in the racing community this PHENOMENON of extremely small and light drones is the latest fad.

Don’t let their small size DECEIVE you - they are able to fly just as fast and carry a de-cased super-light gopro.




the ducts on this tiny drone allow it to fly in close proximity to humans and other easily damaged items without worrying about safety.

These drones get into the smallest spaces, go through the most intricate lines - Perfect for those one shot takes of restaurants and beautiful homes or WORK SPACES.




The latest in FPV Technology

the DJi digital fpv system allows for hd downlink from the drone setting a new bar for the industry.

We are aslo able to stream this hd signal via our teradek bond streaming system.